SyncBackSE – A week on from Install

Well, after a week or so of running SyncBackSE at home to backup my PC and Laptop. I have to say that I’m very impressed. The software is an absolute doddle to install and configure, the backups are reliable (as far as I can see anyway….) and the performance hit is non-existant (partly as all the backups run at about 3am when I’m fast asleep!!)

It took me all of 20 minutes to configure about 7 different backups / synch jobs to ensure that I have multiple copies of all my key data – spread across multiple spindles and kept in sync automagically.

I’ve not really tried the advanced options like AES encryption or FTP as everything is on my LAN at the moment – but I may well have a play with it to backup this site each night.

I’d really like a feature to allow me to keep multiple backups – on a weekly or monthly basis, so I backup this site nightly – but the software automatically puts the files in a folder based on date / day of the week / some other criteria I specify and clears down old copies on a schedule I specify as well….. e.g. A folder structure like this:


Now that’d be cool…… you could keep a rolling month or week of backups – and roll back to any given point of time you chose.

On the whole though, for the price, I have to say that I’m extremely impressed.


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