Still alive…

I’ve just realised that it’s been almost 5 years since I posted anything here…. and that’s pretty bad! Lots has happened in that time, I’ve started a new job, had two kids and life has generally changed out of all belief!

I’m hoping to start blogging again – work related stuff to an extent, I work for an EMC / VMware partner as a pre-sales consultant now (but I still do a lot of hands on “post install” techie work too) my role lets me play with kit from VSPEX Blue and VNXe all the way up through EMC’s portfolio to XtremIO – I believe we, as a company, (and I was the guy with the certs) were amongst the first (2 or 3) XtremIO qualified partners in the UK – so it’s a nice position to be in (and we’ve sold a couple!) 🙂

Fingers crossed I keep this up – I was full of good intentions, but lacking content when I built the site – maybe now I’ll have something worth talking about….
