Hotmail (Kahuna) Beta

More of a “placeholder” for a trackback than a real post this – I’m trying to wangle an invite to the Beta for the new and improved(?) Hotmail – codename Kahuna from Imran Qureshi

I’m intrigued to see what it looks like – apparently it’s more OWA 2003-like, which sounds superb – I just need convincing that it’s better than GMail now 🙂

Fingers crossed…..

Edit – Just read Imran’s post properly and realised that I need to trackback to a different post on his Blog – so I’ve ammended that trackback now – Sorry Imran, I guess I just got carried away in all the excitement!!

Edit II – FOR CRYING OUT LOUD PEOPLE – please pay attention to what I’m actually writing…. I DO NOT HAVE ANY INVITES TO GIVE OUT and if I did, I’d be offering them to people I know – or with something worthwhile to offer in return. If you want to try and get an invite read my post here for more info.


20 thoughts on “Hotmail (Kahuna) Beta

  1. taha – how can I give you an invite?

    _I_ don’t have access as yet, and I’ve got several people I actually know asking for invites (assuming I get some to pass on) – so as someone I don’t know at all…. you’re pretty low down the list I’m afraid!!

    Sorry dude – although, I have to say, I like the “sir” touch…. it’s pretty good!!

  2. hey if you ever get anymore Hotmail Beta(Kahuna) Invites Can you send me one. I would Love to try it out .


  3. I would really like to test this out against gmail .. can someone send me an invite if they have a spare one please. 🙂

  4. Hey I have hotmail and its sooo slow I would love to try the new Ajax powered Hotmail Beta (Kahuna) If somone could send me an invite to roncaudill(at)hotmail(dot)come

  5. Hi all – just saw your site and thought I might post a qun!
    HELP! I signed up for Hotmail Beta the day b4 yesterday and yesterday & today I have been unable to get into my inbox! (They evening I signed up it worked fine.) Now, when I click through MSN messenger or (after entering my password etc) the page comes up as ‘page cannot be displayed’. I’ve tried the usual – deleting my temp internet files and cookies, and changing my security settings etc, but nothing works. It could just be a Microsoft error, but there’s nothing on the site!
    Has anyone else experienced this in the past few days? If so, did they sort it, or do I just have to be patient?

    Argh! It’s driving me mad!
    Thanks. x

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